Exact E355 Conditioner

A machine that improves your bottom line.
Take control of the “waiting game” with the Exact E355 Conditioner. Conditioning your product while it’s on the orchard floor minimizes drying time, speeds up harvesting, and ultimately lets you cash in on early shipment premiums.

E355 Quick Facts

  • Reduce drying time
  • Increase your product turnouts
  • Minimize crop exposure
  • Excellent for Pecan & Walnut growers
  • Sticks are collected and left at the end of the row
  • Extra-large hopper to pull ends in
  • Optional blade kit available
  • Stick belt dumps to left or right
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Exact E355 Conditioner

Equipment Details

Equalizes the Drying Process

Equalizes the Drying Process

More consistent meat moisture provides better turnouts and higher quality product from the huller.

Superior Cleaning System

Superior Cleaning System

Removes sticks, grass, and leaves while evenly metering the cleaned product into the middle of the row.

Stick and Debris Removal

Speed up Pecan Harvest

Cut down on your hand crews and let the conditioner remove sticks and debris to speed up your harvester.

Before and After Conditioning

Before and After

• Increase efficiency of your harvester.
• Leave more hulls in the orchard.
• Leave sticks at the orchards edge.
• Send cleaner product to the processor.

Intermediate Cleaning Chain

Intermediate Cleaning Chain

30% longer cleaning chain allows for better dirt separation to decrease drying time and speed up the harvest process.